Sunday, September 9, 2007

Old La Honda

On Sunday I took a ride through the usual Woodside / Portala Valley area. There were two novel things about the ride though. The first is that I climbed Old La Honda Rd for the first time, and the other was that I rode pretty early in the morning, leaving around 7:45 AM, instead of the usual 11 AM. Old La Honda is a beautiful shaded climb. It has a similar grade to Kings Mountain Road, though about three quarters of a mile shorter. It's a perfect climb for a shorter ride, as it spits you out on Skyline pretty near La Honda, the best way to descend back down. Overall, a nice way to get a solid climb in without being gone for 3+ hours.

The route.

Going early was kind of nice. It was between 55 and 60 most of the ride, which surprisingly didn't feel too cold, and in fact was kind of welcome after last week's insane heat. It was before the sun had burned off the morning fog, making for a beautiful view at the top of the climb where beams of sunlight were starting to peak through. I need to start bringing my camera.

I did the climb in 25:39, which, judging by some times posted by a local cycling organization, isn't particularly impressive given that I would have barely beaten the dude on the unicycle. By the way, I came across that guy last week on Cañada road and forgot to mention it, he was hauling ass! Anyways, I'm glad I found some benchmark times, I'll see how I do in the coming weeks.

Distance: 33.4 miles
Ride time: 2:13
Speed: 15.0 mph avg, 32.5 mph max
Heart Rate: 147 bpm avg, 179 max
Calories burned: 1815

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